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Church Coffee Company

A Ministry of Involve Church

Coffee Drip
Coffee Drip

Free Coffee? That seems strange. There are very few things in life for free. I’m sure there is a catch, right? A church giving out free coffee must want something back. Well if we did, we wouldn’t be living out the kind of love that God has shown us. You see, we believe we were given a free gift from our creator. That seems strange too, right? But listen, our creator wants to keep the relationship He established with us from the beginning. It’s the kind of relationship everyone wants. He is always there, He listens, He gives perfect advice, and He is very gracious. Many years ago that relationship was cut off because a couple people made a bad decision that brought this little (actually kind of big) thing into the world.

It’s called sin, and the world has never been the same since. We all know the impact of sin. It’s what we often think of as evil in the world and it’s ugly. But God, being gracious, sent a cure for that sin. Eventually it will all go away, but for now we deal with this sin by having a relationship with Jesus. It starts by confessing Jesus is real and that He is God. He died to pay for our sin and if we ask, He forgives us. Now that is just the start and there is so much more that we could share, but this card is small and your time is precious. If you would like to know more about this free gift visit the link below or visit us on a Sunday. We’re always here to help answer any questions you may have about this free gift God has given us.

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