Involving people in the life of Christ.
Involving Christ in the lives of people.
The church is established by God and vital to Christian living.
We can be rescued from our sins through faith in Jesus alone.
Jesus lived a perfect life, died, and resurrected to save us from our sins.
Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God.
All people are sinners in need of salvation.
The 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and authoritative.
There is one true God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus is coming back again to rule and reign.
These do not exhaust the extent of our doctrine. For a full doctrinal statement, click here.
Our core values drive everything we do. They define who we are. They prioritize our time, energy, and resources. We are passionate about our core values. If you are passionate about these too, chances are that you will be excited about being a part of what we do at Involve Church.

"Real People, Real Faith"
We are imperfect people, forgiven by a gracious God and therefore live with an attitude of gratefulness. Our faith is more than a system of beliefs that result in a once-a-week worship service. It is a genuine conviction that impacts our lives to the very core. Striving to follow Jesus in every area of our lives, we seek to pursue a relationship with Jesus to better serve and honor Him as God and Lord of our lives.
"Growing People Change"
The ultimate purpose of Christian discipleship is to help people become more like Jesus Christ. We seek to help people better follow Christ in every area of their lives. This includes helping people to understand the Bible and how to apply the truth it contains to everyday living. We also value the spiritual gifts provided to every believer in Christ upon conversion and seek to help each individual understand and use their gifts in joyful service to Christ.​

"Saved People Serve People"
God has carefully designed every person and every church to work together to accomplish what He wants. We think it is important that we avoid a spectator mentality in which people sit in chairs and watch what is going around them with little or no participation. Why? Because God designed each person in an amazing way to provide a unique contribution as they serve within the church. For this contribution to take place, each follower of Jesus must be actively involved in order to fulfill that design. Therefore, we are committed to helping people be involved in the ministry and work of the church.

"Found People Find People"
We believe that people matter deeply to God. We also believe that Christ called us to see others become followers of Him. Because of these things, we are a church that commits to individual and corporate evangelism. At the corporate level, we are continually seeking for ways to equip Christians with the tools they need to share their life story with others. At the individual level, we challenge one another to share our story about the saving grace of God found in Jesus Christ.

"Faithful People Further the Mission"
We value a style of leadership that is always mentoring the next generation of leaders, by equipping and preparing others to share in the work of ministry. It is important that we constantly look for others to train for positions of leadership. Our desire is to see the leadership team multiply to better handle the needs of the church and more effectively reach those without Christ. We believe the best way to reach a specific geography and a specific demographic of people is to plant new churches while strengthening existing churches. Therefore, we will plant churches that will each, in turn, reproduce more churches while engaging existing churches as partners in the gospel.

Cultural Relevance
"Unchanging Gospel for a Changing World"
The way in which people understand and process concepts changes over time. Recognizing this, we look for ways to communicate the truth of the Bible in a way that makes sense. We also constantly evaluate methods, styles, and philosophies to ensure they are effective in communicating and demonstrating the love of God in Jesus to the current culture in which we live.